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發布時間: 2016-07-26  點擊次數: 529次




Rubber and plastic insulation board, rubber insulation tube, rock wool board are my company's main products. As a famous rubber insulation board manufacturers, we are very strict with the quality of the product. In order to be able to produce good quality products, our company in processing rubber insulation board strictly abide by the provisions of relevant national, today small make up to science with you once my company the most basic of the design requirements.


In the processing of rubber and plastic insulation board, we should not only comply with the ISO14001:2004 and ISO9001:2000 standard, should also meet the OHSAS18000 occupation safety and health management system certification, at the same time, it should be China quality certification center awarded grade A energy-saving product certification. Our company is a rich experience in production and sales enterprises. Through years of unremitting efforts, we have a high evaluation in the insulation industry, our factory can be sent back into the duct, duct and air control made of high quality insulation products, of course, its type thermal insulation material used is flame retardant B1 level rubber insulation board, plank is at the same time with flame retardant rubber adhesive and duct.


What are specific features of international standard rubber insulation board?


Many consumers when buying rubber insulation board are love asked whether the international standard, then the end what is the distinguishing feature of the international standard of rubber insulation board, today small make up to you to explore the characteristics of it. First of all, we from the perspective of environmental protection to see, it does not contain harmful to the atmosphere of material, composite ISO14000 international environmental certification standard compley.


Followed by the analysis of the coefficient of thermal conductivity, the constant company of rubber insulation board is the highest quality of heat preservation and heat insulation materials, insulation cold or heat insulation has done very well.


Rubber insulation board fire prevention performance is introduced, the use of fire prevention materials are all used in conformity with the international standard GB8624, and also has a test in terms of building materials combustion performance success.


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